It’s time for the first
post for the read-along of Scott Lynch’s The Republic
of Thieves ! Thanks to
Dab of Darkness for providing this week’s questions, which cover from the beginning to "Intersect 1". Feel free to leave your
link in the comments below, and I’ll add it to the post.
Past this point are serious
spoilers of the series, so beware!
1) We get to reminisce with several old friends in this section - Calo,
Galdo, Chains. How did you like this? Bitter sweet or happy dance?
Happy dance! It’s been long
enough since reading The Lies of Locke
Lamora that I am mostly over the shock and sadness of how we said goodbye
to the Sanza twins. I loved seeing
how the Gentlemen Bastards were forged into a group. I can’t remember why there
weren’t any older members of the gang, though. Was it that the Gentlemen Bastards was a relatively recent
whim of Father Chains, and so these kids were his first group?
2) Finally, the infamous Sabetha makes a physical appearance, albeit in
Locke's reminisces. What are your impressions? How do you think the romance, if
there is to be one, will play out?
Finally, Sabetha appears! She has been kind of an empty outline of a person for the
first two books, affecting the story by her absence. She seems like a quietly competent young lady, and I am
curious to see how they fell in love and why they fell out. We’ve seen Locke already ‘fall in love’
with her (in his child’s crush), which will clearly grow into something more
due to his growing up with her as pretty much the only girl in his world.
3) After trying absolutely everything to save Locke, Jean still won't give
up. What did you think of that little pep talk he gave Locke concerning
Patience's offer of healing?
I was with Jean on that one.
Seriously, Locke, shut up.
When you’re about to die, and someone offers to let you stay alive, you
can’t really argue about the conditions.
I thought Jean’s efforts to save Locke were really touching, and he had
a point about Locke’s death wish.
I don’t know if it really is very subconscious, though. Locke was not in a good mental or emotional
place for a long time, after what happened in Camorr, and I think that probably
played a role in his giving the antidote to Jean in the first place.
4) Locke has a few caveats to working for the Bondsmage. Wise or just Locke
grasping for some control over his life? What would you ask Patience?
I think having it explicitly stated that they’re
through after the election is a good idea. And having answers to questions is smart for both Locke and
Patience. They work some pretty
complicated scams, and not having all the information about a situation could
ruin things unexpectedly. However, I do kind of think it was a combination of
grasping for control and saving face (since Locke had just backed down from
insisting on dying instead). I
think I would ask if it’s possible to officially learn some magic while there…
but I know Locke would absolutely not be on board for ever becoming a
5) At the end of this section, we see
that all is not as Patience laid it out. How much do you think Patience knows
of the plot to off Locke and Jean? Do you see it interfering in the rigged
I think things will be more complicated
than they appear, as always, and I’m sure it will cause problems. I expect lots of complicated,
dangerous, and amusing problems, based on the expectations I’ve got from the
first two books. I doubt Patience
knows about the plot, or if she does, she might see it as a handy test of
whether or not Jean and Locke are clever enough to be useful.
In other comments, the
contest between Locke and Sabetha was fantastic, and it was cool to see where
the Gentleman Bastard hand signals originated. I’m wondering if we’ll see that the contest highlights the
difference between Locke and Sabetha.
Locke works off inspiration, using anything to hand (even
yellowjackets), while Sabetha has superior plans set in advance. It seems like Locke’s strength is in
his flexibility and charisma, while Sabetha’s is in her forethought. Or I may be reading way too much into
Other answers!
Lynn's Book Blog
Little Red Reviewer
Dab of Darkness
All I Am -- A Redhead
Coffee, Cookies and Chili Peppers
Other answers!
Lynn's Book Blog
Little Red Reviewer
Dab of Darkness
All I Am -- A Redhead
Coffee, Cookies and Chili Peppers